Ask us!
Here you will find a compilation of frequently asked questions and the corresponding answers.
Employment Contract
Trenkwalder also has a probationary period. Unless otherwise contractually agreed, this is 6 months.
Well provided for in old age with Trenkwalder!
For many employees, retirement provision and taking the initiative is of great importance. We offer a company pension scheme for all employees, enabling them to start making their own targeted pension provision at an early stage.
Do you need more information? You can find it here
Who is responsible for you in the event of illness?
Trenkwalder is your employer, regardless of whether you work in our office or as a temporary employee at a client company. Accordingly, we will continue to pay your salary in accordance with the statutory provisions.
This is what happens to your time account.
After leaving the client company or a branch, you are still entitled to your holiday and any accumulated overtime. You have the option of overtime payout / payout of the remaining holiday or its utilisation.
We do not have a general assignment duration, as the assignments in our client companies vary in length and therefore vary. However, if you have any questions about this, please contact your local branch.
Once an assignment at a client company has ended, the employee will usually work at another client company shortly afterwards.
We are often asked whether it is possible to be taken on by the client company.
We can answer this question with a resounding YES and have already had some successes in this regard, which you can follow on our social media channels.
However, the takeover depends on the desire, preference and possible vacancy of a customer company.
Many of our employees particularly appreciate the variety offered by different assignments and the experience gained as a result.
Wage and salary
A small piece of sustainability.
We at Trenkwalder have decided to do something about paper consumption and have digitised our payslips.
Where can you find your payslips?
In our Trenkwalder employee portal (link) you will find all your payslips and can download them.
Do you need your access data?
Please get in touch with your contact person / responsible office.
Something is not clear on your payslip or a small error has crept in?
We always work with great care, but unfortunately we cannot rule out the possibility that we may make a mistake.
We therefore ask you to get in touch with your Trenkwalder contact person in this case. They will clarify the matter immediately!
In accordance with the collective labour agreements, payment is due by the 15th bank working day of the month following the payroll month at the latest. However, please note that Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays are not bank working days. As a rule, however, you can expect to receive your salary from Trenkwalder earlier.
For the exact transfer dates, please get in touch with your Trenkwalder contact person.